I recently started joining other SE sites, and I noticed that getting votes on answers, is much easier and faster than here. It seems like a good answer will always get upvotes.
I do understand that this site might not have as many active members as other sites do, but good answer should still get some votes, and the only reason that I can think of as to why people don't vote, is because they simply don't read answers.
My criteria for upvoting is, if the answer is written well, and falls into one of the following, it will automatically get my upvote:
I know the answer is correct
answer was accepted by OP and being that it worked, I can safely assume that it's correct
answer is backed by reliable sources, and therefore, is most probably correct.
I try my best to upvote the answers that fall into one of the three categories, while I see that that's not done by others. Is there a reason that I'm missing?
So I'd like to hear from others, in what cases would you vote, and in what case would you avoid voting even though the answer falls into the above categories?
Hopefully this will help influence the way I, and other, answer questions.