Below are 15 30 unanswered questions that will soon be included in a contest to win 1 of 5 Kindle Fires. See information about the contest here and here.
Please upvote the below "answers" if you think the question is a good evergreen question that you want answered.
Please downvote the question if you think it is outdated, already answered, or flawed in some way that makes it inappropriate for this contest. Feel free to add notes to an answer to explain your opinion.
Please add any old(er) unanswered question that you want answered or that you think the world wants answered. (See here for: Unanswered Android questions; Not closed questions without answers and more than 600 views; Not closed questions with unaccepted answers and more than 4k(!) views)
Thanks for your help! I'd like to get this contest started the Monday after Thanksgiving (11/28).