Questions tagged [badges]

Badges are awarded to encourage and incentivize positive community actions within the site.

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1 answer

Why have I not gotten Peer Pressure badge after deleting my posts?

I didn't get my badge for deleting my posts, a question and an answer to the same question. I deleted both the post and I was supposed to get a badge but I don't see it so far.
Willie Sinclair's user avatar
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Separate badge awarding systems? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: How does meta reputation and badges work? I know that the reputation are equal on both main and meta sites. But why do meta and main sites use separate systems for awarding ...
Sid's user avatar
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How does meta reputation and badges work?

Unlike StackOverflow meta, I've noticed that here all my reputation points have been transferred over from the main. Except for the badges. Will my reputation be synced between the two? If so, why ...
slybloty's user avatar
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Epic and Legendary badges only for standard rep?

Not that I'm anywhere near it, in fact today was the first time I hit 200 daily rep without a bounty pushing me over, and it got me wondering: for the Epic and Legendary badges, do 200+ days ...
jlehenbauer's user avatar
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Does one outgrow the pursuit of the Deputy and Marshal badges?

In regards to the Deputy and Marshal badges, what is the policy on flagging questions after one has the Cast close and re-open votes privilege? It says at this point one should not flag questions for ...
jlehenbauer's user avatar
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Award badges for a quantity of well-received answers

Where can new badges be suggested? Android Enthusiasts' value mostly comes from people providing (quality) answers. Immediately (in my opinion) the most natural badge came to my mind but I couldn't ...
ce4's user avatar
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Can a user receive the Suffrage badge more than once?

Fairly self-explanatory, I think. I had the Suffrage badge from long ago and yesterday I used all 30 of my daily votes, but I don't see a x2 next to the badge on my user page. Just curious.
newuser's user avatar
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Is the Generalist badge broken?

Unless I'm mistaken, I meet the criteria for having the Generalist badge, and have for quite a while. I would assume other users do as well, but no Generalist badges have been awarded. Am I mistaken?...
Matthew Read's user avatar
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Shouldn't we all have the Private Beta Badge? Or is there another party I don't know about? :P
gary's user avatar
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