I think, the Android SE is one of the hardest sites to earn rep. I believe it is no good. [My answers in 2019/03][1] were created because I wanted to get to 200 on the site. The nearly complete lack of reaction (incl. lack of ups) were something what I nowhere on the SE experienced before that. I found also very hard to find answerable questions. Finally I gave up and got to 200 by edits.

The bad thing is that the site stabilized itself in a state, where its quality content is well-preserved, but on the price that it prevents its growth.

The good thing is that reaching a "critical mass", I do not close out an exponential growth in the future.

A major problem of Android, internet-wide, is the terrible amount of crap content. Anybody hunted for something in Android and also with an other technology, see this very characteristic difference. The overwhelming majority of Android content, what we can find by google searches, would be - well deservedly - quickly deleted on the Android SE.

This is an external property of the world in which we live, we can not change it, but we can adapt it. *Be the change*, suggested @beeshyams in a comment, and I think he is very right, so for you induvidually and also for us, collectively.

Having 15 rep, nothing avoids you to vote daily 40 posts up *(please do not this on the price of decreasing the quality)*, and also the site can reach a *critical mass*, where it will be known for the googlers, that the probability of getting useful information in a google search result list, is high.

Having a well-going Android SE is *our group interest*. While we apply the rules for induvidual cases, we should not only see, which action matches best the site customs. We have a significant freedom, what exactly we do, *and we should also consider, which possible action serves the best our group interest*.

I think the community is not very healthy in this sense.

We should actively work on

* To increase the chance of new users (particularly, answerers) to visit the site again. In all review/voting/edit/comment decision, we should consider this.
* To tune the content (mostly, by edits) for the googlers of the future.

My experiences are mostly positive, if I had a question, and mostly negative if I had an answer (I work a lot on the answer, and then no upvote, no comment, nothing).

A remark: There is a CM stat (based on data not available for mortals), that new users don't really bother on their scores. They want reactions. Surprisingly, not always answers - if the get *comments*, or even *edits*, it is nearly so good. And the worst effect to their re-visit is, also surprisingly, not if their posts are downvoted, but if it remains un-reacted. I would add to that: people with 3-digit rep, want upvotes. Motivate them with your ups. Never giving ups is not better than giving always. *Reward them easily, but never reward for nothing.*


There is another problem what I see. This is the [Count of question creation, closure and deletion events by month][2]:

[![enter image description here][3]][3]

In my opinion, this stat clearly shows a site which actively works on to prevent its own growth. I think you should dig into its reason, because this stat is simply *deadly*. Particularly the deletion spikes in 2016/09 and in early 2019 would deserve some investigation. Expelling users also prevents their future contributions to ever created, not only their posts, but also their votes.

**Dear mods, voters, anybody caused these: if a post is bad, but salvageable, it is better to leave it in that state than deleting it. The deletion closes out the possibility of improving it ever.**

  [1]: https://android.stackexchange.com/search?q=user%3A50837%20is%3Aa%20created%3A2019-03-01..2019-03-31
  [2]: https://data.stackexchange.com/android/query/1247764/count-of-question-creation-closure-and-deletion-events-by-month#graph
  [3]: https://i.sstatic.net/kpVxG.png