I am trying to be a productive member of this website and I'm having a problem with the reputation system. Now I don't have a problem with the reputation system as a whole, I find that it works well. I am familiar with it as I am also a member at StackOverflow. My problem is this: Twice now I've wanted to comment on an answer or vote it up because it didn't seem to be getting the votes or recognition that it needed. But, since I didn't have enough reputation I have no real choice but to leave another answer with a nod to the previous answer. Both times I was voted down, leaving me that much further from being able to vote up or leave comments. Here are the two questions and answers: http://android.stackexchange.com/questions/2603/an-app-to-locate-my-android-around-the-house/2633#2633 http://android.stackexchange.com/questions/2935/best-screen-protector-htc-desire-z/2942#2942 In the second one I was very explicit in my answer about why I was posting an answer, but I was still down-voted. So, what am I supposed to do? How am I supposed to help the community find the right answers when I can't steer them towards them? I post as much as I feel is necessary and no more. I'm not going to go around posting in every question I find just to get lucky and get an up-vote. That's not helpful to the community. In Al Everett's [post about voting](https://android.meta.stackexchange.com/questions/180/what-does-voting-mean-and-why-is-it-important), he lists reasons to vote down an answer. It does not say anything about a duplicate answers. So, what to do besides posting the odd answer and hope that it is up-voted? It is really discouraging me from trying to participate. My thoughts: Perhaps any answer should give the poster one or two reputation points in order to encourage participation. Otherwise, I don't quite see the point.