I work in the telecommunications industry as a VoIP/network engineer with 30+ years of experience in the industry. Currently working for a triple play provider, with a hosted Broadsoft platform that is my primary focus. I have a wide variety of background in voice communications (ie. telephones, voice mail, call center, conferencing, Unified Communications) and networks, servers, cabling, paging, hosted services, virtualization, etc.
I am a Linux enthusiast, with all the computers I own currently running Linux (or dual booting, but we don't talk much about that one). I have been using Linux since the early to mid 90's when the kernel was still in beta, as an alternative to Coherent. I have never been a fan of Windows, but understand it is commonplace and I support and use it on a daily basis as well.
I am also an Android enthusiast, and have been on several ROM and kernel developer teams including Plain-Andy ROM, Desolation ROM, and Funky kernel. I have owned a wide variety of Android devices since Eclair. My current devices are a Pixel 4a and a PinePhone.
You can often find me on Steam playing any number of RPG or shooter games games, out playing Ingress or Geocaching, reading a good SciFi novel, or taking in a hard rock or heavy metal concert.
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