During the last ~10 days, I was walking the list of unanswered questions multiple times (due to ordering issues I wanted to make sure nothing escaped me). While doing this, I stumbled on many questions where the OP obviously just visited once (to ask), and never returned. Sometimes there were comments asking for clarification (mostly unanswered, of course), sometimes not even that.
While things are quite clear if a question is unequivocally off-topic, too localized, etc., some seem quite conforming to the FAQ -- but though very unlikely to be answered, and (IMHO) only of minor interest; maybe not "minor enough" to be flagged for too localized.
So my question here is: what shall be done to those? Sure I could flag everything which is not answered fast enough (<-- exaggerating!), but I don't want to annoy anybody without some backing :)
Or should I rather "relax and wait until some automatism takes care", as suggested here?
Another possibility is to collect them here at Meta to bring them up, as e.g. done here.
Another close question on Meta is Android-SE Unanswered Questions Cleanup.
And yes, while walking through the list I tried to answer as much as I could (earned 11 Revival badges this way ;) and upvoted the one or other answer to get the list shortened. Still I feel some of the remaining could be "moved out". Ideally we had a separate "Grace tab" for those: questions going in there could stay for a fixed amount of time (say, 4 weeks), and if not answered/voted/... otherwise, would automatically be removed at the end of this "grace time".
Any ideas/recommendations?