I just joined Stack Exchange in order to answer a question. I discovered I was not allowed to because I have no reputation. Fair enough; I can understand the caution. However it creates a Catch-22.
That Catch-22 is best illustrated by the automated welcoming email I received from Stack Exchange a bit later:
The Android Enthusiasts Stack Exchange community only works because users like you generously share their knowledge to solve each other's problems.
Want to help?
Find a question you can answer.
Other users will vote up your answer if they find it helpful.
For every upvote, you earn reputation, which unlocks additional privileges on the site.
Unfortunately you need reputation BEFORE you are allowed to answer a question. But the only way to earn reputation appears to be to answer a question.???
What am I missing?
And I've just discovered I can only post once every 40 minutes. Okay, I shall wait long enough to post this but won't likely be back. If I'm going to contribute it's typically in a single session that in total may be far less than 40 minutes. I have no interest in setting a timer and returning once every 40 minutes to answer another question.