If your questions are being deleted by Roomba is very likely that they are not getting attention from the people who are able to answer them. Follow the guidance from How do I get attention for one of my own questions without a good answer?
By the other hand, it might be possible that
- they can't be answered because nobody knows the answer
- noboby with the privilege to upvote has the same question/problem (upvote to say me too / +1).
I have being looking at the things that can be customized by site in Meta Stack Exchange.
The Tour, Help Center homepage and some articles, some close reasons might be customized by the community moderators.
The site theme and Ask Question page might be customized by following the process specified in the correspoding posts in Meta Stack Exchange. Briefly they require a feature-request in the respective per-site meta and that a community moderator adds status-review.
Other things might be customized per site, specially those that might require developer time, should made a strong case regarding how that change will impact positively to a large user base. Things like handling rule exceptions per-site it's very likely that might require to be of interest of many small sites, specially those that are not getting traction on Meta Stack Exchange. Yes, getting more upvotes than the average on Meta Stack Exchange posts is not enough to say that a proposal got the required traction and even get good traction there might be other factors that could make that proposal be converterted into a feature-request + status-review.
Most feature requests related to the automatic deletion of questions by Roomba doesn't have status-review or have status-declined. Here are some examples:
You might find more effective spending more time on getting attention to your questions and on fostering a sense of community amongst users of the Stack Exchange sites especially on those with low moderation activity done by the community members, i.e. by helping new users to learn the ropes of small sites, motivate them to participate rather than just "post and run".
More participation very likely will help increase the user base allowed to comment and upvote, thus, very likely that will help that less good questions be deleted automatically by Roomba for being abandoned.