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Questions tagged [deleted-questions]

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2 votes
1 answer

About 15% of my questions get automatically removed by Roomba (deletion script) because they have score=0 and no answer: Roomba needs to chill

I looked at the list of my removed questions and see that ~15% of my questions (~30 out of my ~210 questions) get automatically removed by Roomba (deletion script) because they have score=0 and no ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
-4 votes
1 answer

My follow-up to a relevant question was deleted. Why?

I have a question about my Android Enthusiasts Stack Exchange post: Stop Google Search Opening in Chrome I believe my post was very relevant to the main post. I was simply looking for a related ...
Sean Ackley's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

deleted by Community / RemoveDeadQuestions

I asked following questions: 6.0 marshmallow - partial? wakelock detector without root - Android Enthusiasts Stack Exchange bluetooth - Nexus 6p - kernel wakelock - bluesleep - Android Enthusiasts ...
alexus's user avatar
  • 1,048
-2 votes
1 answer

Why was this answer and question deleted

Here's the A2A question that was deleted. As far as I can tell, this is a question that isn't present on the site. No reason was given why the ...
Binoy Babu's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Can I retrieve my question that was deleted?

Recently I deleted my own question because somebody pointed out it was off-topic according to the FAQ. Is there anyway I can retrieve the question (title and body)?
Louis Rhys's user avatar
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