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Questions tagged [community-wiki]

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4 votes
1 answer

Please keep the "Where can I find ROMs?" question broadly useful

In reference to Where can I find stock or custom ROMs for my Android device? Lately the answer has gotten a few fairly localized additions that I have edited out. In general I think we should only ...
Matthew Read's user avatar
  • 50.7k
6 votes
1 answer

Updating "How to Root" Format Question

I was going to update the wiki question How do I root my Android device? to include the Samsung Galaxy S4, but I wanted to make sure the update I was going to add was following the proper formatting, ...
TronicZomB's user avatar
5 votes
0 answers

Should Community wiki answers converted via editing still be granting rep to the original answerer?

My answer here got put into community wiki status automatically because I edited it lots (I was also the only editor). From my understanding, once an answer becomes a community wiki, the original ...
Compro01's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Wiki post turns non-wiki!

The answer to this question which was automatically turned into a community-wiki post not long ago is now, once again a non-wiki post! I checked the 'activity' section of my user profile page. There ...
Karthik C's user avatar
  • 627
19 votes
3 answers

Should we revisit our "How do I root X?" policy?

Edit: The changes have been implemented. Individual device rooting questions are encouraged, though we want answers to be complete -- covering all Android versions. The big rooting question now ...
Matthew Read's user avatar
  • 50.7k
8 votes
3 answers

How should we handle posts intended as community resources?

I was just editing when I realized we might have something of a problem. I moved the answer-in-the-...
Matthew Read's user avatar
  • 50.7k
2 votes
1 answer

How can I modify my question to get it "Wiki Approved"?

Here is the post in question. When I had originally asked this question I didn't think about adding it to the Wiki but as one commenter pointed out "Lists of information are discouraged". After ...
Daniel's user avatar
  • 3,750
3 votes
1 answer

Should these questions be Community Wiki?

Considering, When should I make my answers Community Wiki? When you want to enhance the "wiki" aspect of your post, so that it ...
Matthew Read's user avatar
  • 50.7k
3 votes
1 answer

What does tagging "Community Wiki" signify?

What does marking a post or a question as "Community Wiki" signify? What are the implications? Some stackexchange sites specify that a post marked CW doesn't earn the author any reputation - does a ...
Sparx's user avatar
  • 10.9k