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9 votes

What makes edits by moderators and users with high reputation better than edits from lower reputation users

I'd like to start this by explaining why I rejected that edit. I rejected (and edited) that suggestion1 after I have approved (and edited) 3 suggested edits by you consecutively: 1, 2, 3: 1st ...
Andrew T.'s user avatar
  • 16.5k
8 votes

Is it allowed to re-submit an edit?

Yes. It's rejected by the system to avoid conflict, which doesn't imply that your edit was bad in any way. So if you feel your suggestion is good, you're always encouraged to suggest it again. People ...
iBug's user avatar
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7 votes

What makes edits by moderators and users with high reputation better than edits from lower reputation users

How does the edits that would have been rejected when made by a new user or user with a low reputation be accepted when moderators and high reputation users? Users with 2000 or above reputation ...
Firelord's user avatar
  • 25.3k
3 votes

Edit approval that changes the question - what should be done?

For the moment, I have edited the question to separate the new objective of OP (QR codes part) and mentioned it as a new paragraph along with the date on which the objective was introduced. I know ...
Firelord's user avatar
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2 votes

How are we allowed to have answers that will destroy all devices?

I disagree with the answers regarding both types of water. Both ionized or de-ionized water will essentially destroy your devices very quickly, as in "becoming inoperative". Batteries are damaged ...
kdsdata's user avatar
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1 vote

How can we encourage people to proofread their own posts?

Honestly, I think it's a combination of poor grammar skills, a bigger part playing out is laziness, using underated keyboards and/or speech with using microphone as dictation and the speech programs ...
Jeffrey Pulver's user avatar
1 vote

How are we allowed to have answers that will destroy all devices?

OP changed his answer a bit based on the citations I provided. I still strongly disagree with any mention of rice as it is pure pseudoscience, but the answer itself is no longer harmful to devices. ...
LateralTerminal's user avatar
1 vote

How are we allowed to have answers that will destroy all devices?

First to read: What is the etiquette for modifying posts? and Why can people edit my posts? How does editing work? The first link is an FAQ from Meta Stack Exchange (aka the main meta), and the ...
iBug's user avatar
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Only top scored, non community-wiki answers of a minimum length are eligible